Eyes of the Beholder

Eyes of the Beholder

The difference between a mountain and a molehill is your perspective.
—Al Neuharth

People can get on your nerves sometimes, can’t they? However, if we manage to take a step back from those annoying times, we can actually dlve a little deeper for actual causes for the seemingly irritating behavior. For example…

Is the person at the cash register really dim-witted because she gave you the wrong change, or, perhaps, did she just make a mistake? Paying attention?

Does the person who mistakenly cut you off really deserve to have a plague put on his family, or did he just not see you? or just wasn’t paying attention!!

Does the person you’re explaining the budgeting report to really need to have pictures drawn for him to understand your points, or are you merely talking above him? Was he paying attention?!!

The problem is with our eyes; we have nearsightedness. Not literally, of course, but sometimes we have a limited perception of what we see; we don’t often “see” the whole story. As a result, we can judge too quickly and be unfairly harsh.

Here’s a tip: Instead, try to have some much-needed peripheral vision; maybe things aren’t as bad as they appear. Give yourself (and others) the benefit of a doubt, and don’t be so harsh.

After all, our eyes can play tricks on us. What you can control, though, is your own focus: what you choose to see—in others and yourself. But..Pay Attention!!!

Have a Bless day…….Kyoshi

Children’s Eating Advice

Children’s Eating Advice

Raising Healthy Kids

14 Eating Tips For Children

Are your children overweight? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, 16% of kids ages 12-19 are.* In fact, experts call the problem of childhood obesity an epidemic, but there are some things you can do to remedy the situation and to teach kids healthier habits. Try these ideas to promote healthy lifestyles for kids:

Make small, subtle changes in food and drink choices, like serving low-fat milk in place of 2%, or putting one cookie in your child’s lunch instead of two.

Make meal and snack times special and require children to sit at a table to eat; limit snacks to two a day, no less than two hours before a meal.

Teach kids to eat slowly and to recognize when they’re full (it usually takes about 20 minutes after initially eating for the stomach to tell the brain it’s full).

Demand that your child eat breakfast.

Have kids drink a glass of water before each snack or meal to avoid overeating and eating too quickly.

Let children serve themselves and decide how much food to eat; teach them sensible portion sizes.

Read food labels before you buy anything, especially children’s snacks; watch for high carbohydrate, fat, sugar and sodium levels in kids’ snacks and treats. (Hint: If the word sugar, sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, lactose, fructose, honey or syrup appears first on the ingredient list, the food likely contains large amounts of sugar; also watch for more than one type of sugar listed in the same product.)

Teach your child how to read a food label.

Replace soda in your fridge with teas, lemonade, sugar-free fruit drinks and juices, and bottled water.

Remove unhealthy foods and drinks from your home and throw away pizza coupons.

Don’t use food as a reward or as a comforting device with your children.

Don’t buy bulk food items, or if you do, re-package them into appropriate single serving bags; never let kids eat out of the “big” bag.

Limit the time kids spend doing sedentary activities (like watching TV or sitting at the computer) to no more than two hours a day; encourage activity instead.

Join children in physical activity and games; practice what you preach, especially when it comes to exercise.

Teach Your Children Well

Set an example for your kids. Don’t expect children to do as you say, but not as you do. As part of your weight loss efforts, show them a good example every day by modeling healthy eating and activity, and they’ll instinctually follow along.

  • Teach limits. Children look to adults to set boundaries in every aspect of their lives—diet and eating issues are no different. If kids see that there’s leeway regarding snacks and unhealthy options, they’ll take it. Be firm with your children when it comes to food and teach balance and moderation.
  • Make healthy practices a priority. No exceptions. Let nothing get in the way of making healthy food and exercise choices. Sacrifice time and money if you have to (don’t worry—the payoff will be greater in the end).
  • Stay in touch with your child. Be aware of what he or she likes and doesn’t like in order to tailor a healthy regime that fits his or her preferences. Watch the eating and lifestyle choices your kids are making, and commend them when they make good decisions. Let them know that you’re open to discussing anything and continually explore new health, exercise and nutrition options.
The 12 Don’ts of a Professional Instructor 

The 12 Don’ts of a Professional Instructor 

  1. Don’t Argue. Logic and emotion are like oil and water: they don’t mix. When we argue we become emotional and don’t think clearly. As our emotions become heightened, the likelihood of us saying or doing something that we might regret later increases dramatically. Also remember, winning an argument does little to win respect or friendship.
  2. Don’t Blame. when you point the finger at someone else, three fingers point back at you. Blaming others generally means that you are a reactive person, Someone that’s unwilling to be held accountable for your actions. Blaming others puts emphasis and thought process on problems and not solutions.
  3. Don’t Criticize. It’s one thing to be constructively helpful and another to be unconstructively critical. The quickest way to kill morale is to criticize those on the team.
  4. Don’t Prejudge. Unfortunately, it’s very easy, and a terrible habit, to “judge a book by its cover.” Studies have shown that when one prejudges others, one is wrong as often as one is right. Those who prejudge miss out on a lot of potentially great relationships.
  5. Don’t be sarcastic. Although being cleverly sarcastic is often considered a sign of intelligence, and sometimes may be temporarily funny, it rarely serves any positive function. In reality, sarcasm only demoralizes and belittles and embitters. Remember, “please,” “Thank You”, and “May I ” said sarcastically are no longer the magic words.
  6. Don’t be too friendly. The Instructor/student relationship is a special thing. Of course, an instructor should be friendly with his/her students. Becoming a friend, however, can very easily corrupt the relationship. There’s a certain distance that should be kept which will serve the interest of both sides.
  7. Don’t be too Physical. There are several different aspects of being physical that a professional wants to avoid. First, make sure that your classes aren’t too physically demanding, especially at the beginner level. Second, make sure that students are paired off appropriately with physicality in mind (size, skill, intensity, etc.) Finally, no pats on the rear, inappropriate hugs, etc. Body contact between instructors and students should be kept to a minimum (high fives, handshakes, etc).
  8. Don’t Humiliate. The absolute quickest way to create resentment and friction is to humiliate someone, especially if it’s done in public. People that enjoy humiliating others usually have low self image and try to make themselves feel bigger by knocking others down.
  9. Don’t Be Condescending. A condescending person speaks down to those around them. It’s as if his/her worth is greater than others. The only function it serves is to alienate those around you. Watch your tonality and try to keep yourself from appearing ” Holier than thou”.
  10. Don’t hold a Grudge. Everyone makes mistakes; some people make them more often than others, you give them power over you. You are still letting them control you emotionally, We have been told hundreds of times that “small minds hold grudges, big minds leave them to heaven and move on”.
  11. Don’t Be Easily Offended. Give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that whatever questionable thing they said was not meant to be negative. People who are easily offended have a low level of emotional intelligence and maturity. When it is clearly apparent that an insult has been directed your way, just don’t accept it. Remember the phrase most of us learned as a kid ” I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you”.
  12. Don’t take all the credit. Nothing is more frustrating than when a team works hard and has some great success, only to have one person say, “I did it ” Build your team by giving as much credit as possible to those around you.


Speak the Truth

Ask for what you Want

Keep your agreements

Take responsibility for your actions

Raise Your standards


What is the Dojokun?

What is the Dojokun?

The rules of the dojo. There are five of these rules that are generally thought to have been passed down from Okinawan Karate masters to the present. The actual creator of these rules is rumored to be Sakugawa, an 18th Century karate enthusiast who lived in Okinawa.

More likely this Dojokun was created by Funakoshi Gichin, but no evidence exists one way or the other.


Shotokan DojoKun


What does that mean?
Read the words from the top down and from right to left. The right-most character says “Kun.” Every line begins with a counter that means “one.” Every line ends with the word koto, which literally means “thing.” This is generally interpreted to mean “Here’s a rule, here’s another rule…”

Hitotsu. Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Hitotsu. Makoto no michi wo mamoru koto
Hitotsu. Doryoku no Seishin wo yashinau koto
Hitotsu. Reigi wo omonzuru koto
Hitotsu. Kekki no yu wo imashimuru koto

First. Seek perfection of character
First. Protect the way of the truth
First. Foster the spirit of effort
First. Respect the principles of etiquette and respect others
First. Guard against impetuous courage and refrain from violent behavior.

Ten Eerste. Streef karaktersterkte na
Ten Eerste. Wees betrouwbaar en nauwgezet
Ten Eerste. Probeer steeds opnieuw
Ten Eerste. Heb respect voor de anderen
Ten Eerste. Wees niet gewelddadig

Avant tout. Cultivez la noblesse de l’âme
Avant tout. Prenez la cause de la vérité
Avant tout. Cherchez à vous dépasser
Avant tout. Faites preuve de courtoisie
Avant tout. Abstenez-vous de tout comportement violent

Eins ist. Vervollkommene deinen Charakter
Eins ist. Bewahre den Weg der Aufrichtigkeit
Eins ist. Entfalte den Geist der Bemühung
Eins ist. Sei höflich
Eins ist. Bewahre dich vor übertriebener Leidenschaft

The meaning of “OSU!”

The meaning of “OSU!”

Osu means Respect, Appreciation and Patience.

In order to develop a strong body and strong spirit it is necessary to undergo rigorous training.

This is very demanding, because you must push yourself to what you believe to be your limit, and you want to stop; to give up. When you reach this point you must fight yourself and your weakness and you must win. To do this you must learn to persevere, but above all you must learn to be patient. This is OSU!

The reason you subject yourself to hard training is because you care about yourself, and to care about yourself is to respect yourself. This self respect evolves and expands to become respect for your instructor and fellow students. When you enter the dojo you bow and say “Osu” . This means you respect your dojo and the time you spend training there. This feeling of respect is OSU!

During training you push yourself as hard as possible because you respect yourself. When you finish you bow to your instructor and fellow students and say “Osu” once more. You do this out of appreciation. This feeling of appreciation is OSU.

Thus OSU is a very important word in Karate because it signifies Respect , Appreciation and Patience. That is why we always use the word OSU; to remind ourselves of these indispensable qualities.