Frequently Asked Questions
How does the enrollment procedure work for my child?
All new students that are signed up as Associate Members for a Four week period. New Associate Members are provided with a new white uniform and white belt upon being enrolled. After four weeks of training, your child will have the opportunity to become a full time student.
What is the fee for enrollment for my child as an Associate Member?
The fee for the initial 2 week period is FREE. We expect a three month commitment Plus uniform and AKANA.
What happens to my child following the initial four week period for Associate Member?
Upon completion of the fourth week period, Associate Members can apply for the next program as Full Time Students. At this time, your child will be required to turn his/ her uniform to a member of the Front Office Team to have his / her name and the required patches put on his / her uniform.
Does my child need any equipment at this level?
Juniors only need their full uniform along with their AFSKC success journal. Student need to purchase equipment after the first Month.
How does my child wear his / her Uniform Top?
The left portion of the uniform overlaps the right portion of uniform. Following embroidery of your child’s name and the AFSKC patch are sewed on your child’s uniform.
May my child wear his / her uniform outside of the studio?
Your child’s uniform represents a way of separating the outside world from your child’s martial arts world. As such, in an effort to maintain consistency in separation of the two worlds, it is recommended that your child not wear his uniform outside the dojo.
What is a proper uniform?
A proper uniform for White, Yellow, Gold, thru Green Belt students is white uniform pants, white uniform top, and belt. Female students only should also wear a AFSKC t-shirt and/or other appropriate sports top under their uniform top. The uniform must be clean, properly maintained, and the uniform top must have the Correct patches and name ,etc for the belt rank.
May my child wear a T-Shirt to class instead of his / her uniform top?
No, the only time is if the uniform is unavailable, while having a patch applied, being repaired or if instructor has let the students know in advance it would be a no uniform top day. Must be worn for promotional belt exams, tip exams, and for other classes whenever requested. The uniform top should be worn for regular classes whenever possible, however a AFSKC t-shirt may be worn when your child’s uniform top is not available.
Is my child allowed to wear shoes and socks while taking class?
In order to execute many of the techniques, it is necessary to be barefoot when taking class. In the event that your child has a medical condition that might require the wearing of karate socks, please see your child’s instructor and a member of the front office.
How do I tie my belt?
Please ask your instructor to show you how to tie your belt.
What is the purpose of my child’s belt?
The purpose of the belt is to hold your child’s uniform together. Whatever belt level your child is presently training at, it is important that your child always respects his belt level.
How often should I wash my child’s uniform?
It is important to treat your child’s uniform with the same level of respect that you treat your child and his / her wardrobe. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are critical elements for your child and his /her fellow classmates. Please respect your child’s classmates by ensuring that your child’s personal hygiene. NEVER WASH BELT.
When should my child arrive at the studio for his / her assigned classes?
All students must be lined up, in a proper uniform and with their attendance card 5 minutes prior to the start of class. For example, if class is scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., students need to be lined up on the assigned mat for their class at 5:55 p.m. Please note, while waiting for the prior class to be completed students should be standing quietly in “At Ease” position, with toes on the line, and their success journal on the mat behind them. As the prior class is completed, the instructor will call both classes to “Attention”, to complete one class and start the next class. All students from both classes should stand at attention while the first class is dismissed and cards are collected for the second class. The procedure outlined above is the rules of Class.
Is there a procedure my child needs to follow upon arriving at the Studio?
Upon arriving, your child /student needs to “Bow In”, as they enter the studio (DOJO).
This is done by facing the flags and bowing with your head and eyes lowered.
Students should then greet any members of the front office team with an appropriate hand shake and salutation before proceeding to the appropriate locker room. Once the your child is in full uniform with belt on, and attendance card in hand, your child is requested to find Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan in the studio or in his office, to bow and offer a greeting. If Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan is in his office, proceed up and wait in the corridor outside his office until you are invited into the office. Then bow and offer a greeting before departing. Unless instructed to do so, never enter Mr. McCall’s office for any reason. Please note, if Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan is teaching your child needs to stand at attention off the mat, and wait to be acknowledged by Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan. Unless invited onto the mat by Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan, your child should just bow and say hello. The purpose of this procedure is to teach and reinforce the concept of respect for your child and others. Your child should then stretch or practice until it is time to go onto the mat, 5 minutes prior to class. Please note, when preparing to line up, prior to class, it is required to bow when entering the mat area. It is also required to bow when departing the mat at the conclusion of class. Prior to departing the studio, your child is to remove the belt that holds the uniform together. Unless otherwise instructed or requested, the belt should never be worn outside of the studio.
Why does my child bow?
Bowing is a gesture of respect for your fellow students, the studio, the instructional staff and Mr. McCall. bowing is a completely non-religious
Should I, as a parent, bow and follow the above rules?
Yes – You are an example for your child. “Preach all the time. If necessary use words “
When will my child begin sparring?
Sparring is taught beginning at Yellow belt, but contact will not be made till Green Belt, after approximately 4-6 months of training.
How does my child address instructors and staff members in the studio or Dojo?
Always address instructors and staff members with respect by saying, Yes (Sir / Ma’am); No( Sir / Ma’am); Excuse me (Sir/ Ma’am). When greeting them in the studio it is always Mr. / Miss / Ms and the instructor’s Last name (ex. Mr. McCall or Mr. McClellan ) .When in class, it is critical for your child to show respect for instructors and fellow students. Your child should never interrupt when anyone is speaking and always raise his / her hand and wait to be acknowledged prior to asking your question. Again, courtesy and respect are critical elements for all students at American Freestyle Karate Dojo.
What does my child need for his / her Attendance Card and what is the purpose of my child’s Attendance Card?
You will need to provide two photos of your child to the front office at the time of registration as an Associate Member. One of the photos will be placed on your child’s Attendance Card and the other one will be placed in your child’s AFKD Student File. Your child’s attendance card is a communication vehicle utilized by the instructional staff and student. Your child’s attendance card will be filed by rank / belt color in the card rack on the wall opposite the front desk. It is your child’s responsibility to find his / her card prior to going onto the mat for class. The card will be collected prior to the start of class and the front office will stamp your child’s card following each class. The purpose of the card is to track attendance and monitor progress within the belt level / rank curriculum. Instructors will record and sign your child’s attendance card when tips are earned within each belt level / rank. Another purpose of the Attendance Card is Goal Setting / Time Management. Students are required to fill out a Target Date for taking their promotional exam for the next belt level / rank, IE. Targeted orange belt exam date for white belt / Associate Members and so on.
What do I do if my child’s attendance card is not in the student card rack?
See a member of the front office, as the card may have been kept at the desk because there is a message for you that will be given to you by a member of the front office when you ask about your student card.
What role does the instructional staff play in my child’s training?
In keeping with the overall concept of American Freestyle Karate Dojo as a success based studio, the AFKD instructional staff members are your child’s success coaches. Their role is to keep students on the road to success at all times and to ensure that the process of learning is taking place. The instructional staff / success coaches should not be viewed with any level of intimidation.
How long should it take for my child to earn his / her Black Belt?
“Direction is more important than speed.” Each student’s journey to Black Belt is a personal journey that is self-paced. On average, the time range is 2-4 years of consistent training prior to Black Belt.
When does my child’s training for Black Belt begin?
Your child’s training for Black Belt begins when they initially enter the American Freestyle Karate Dojo to register and participate in their initial class. All American Freestyle Karate Club students are Black Belt Candidates / Black Belts in Training from the day they start.
What is the preferred method of communication for a student to contact members of American Freestyle Karate Club?
E-mail is the preferred communication tool to be used by all students. By Phone or text to 704-579-7034 or
Does the American Freestyle Karate Club publish a newsletter?
Yes. On a monthly basis, a newsletter is published and is e-mailed to all students. Additionally, the newsletter can be accessed through the school website. The newsletter recognizes new students, monthly birthdays, acknowledgements, student of the month, and includes interesting and helpful
Does AFSKC offer birthday parties?
Yes. Please ask for a “Karate Birthday Party” information packet or visit our website for more information.
What does the color “White “represent on my child’s belt?
White represents the absence of color or “no color.” Additionally, it represents willingness and desire to learn and absorb things that are being taught.
What does the color “orange” represent?
The color of sunrise. The student is beginning his/her journey …
As an Associate Member or Full Time student, how many classes is my child required to attend on a weekly basis?
As part of the enrollment process, you will sign your child up for two classes per week. The day and time of the classes for your level are listed in the American Freestyle Karate Club class schedule.
What happens if my child is unable to attend a class on the day and time that he /she is signed for?
It is your responsibility to call (704-579-7034) and inform a member of the front office that your child will be unable to attend his / her assigned class, and to ask about taking a make-up class if you are interested. Private Lessons can be scheduled for $20-1/2 hr. any time of the day on Tuesday or Thursday or Saturday
How should my child greet an Instructor outside of the American Freestyle Karate Dojo?
Your child should greet instructors the same way outside of American Freestyle Karate Dojo as at the studio, offering a friendly and respectful greeting (ex. Mr., McCall or Mr. McClellan,etc)
How do I access the information on the website?
You will need to request a username & password from the front office team to access the information.
Can I download information from the website?
Yes, students are encouraged to download curriculum, exam sheets, calendar of events, etc. from the website.