The Denver Dragons went to the Godstock and made it happen….

Check out the photo’s below. More to come..

Little Denver Dragon Winners.. Kick;em Cody; Hammering Haley; Ninja Nick; Whack’em Wayne;

Crush’em Christian; Tag’em Tyler; Evil Evan

It’s always rewarding to see your students win and you exceeded expectations.

Thank You. Kyoshi McCall

More to come………………….!!!!

This event was for a great cause and we made it great for all. Side Kick Karate raise over $25,000.00 for Godstock. I did fight the motorcycle ride and if not for your performance and spirit I would have never gone. You, the students was the reason I took the 50 mile run since we are a family of martial artist. It was the best time I’ve had in some time, even though I didn’t know if I would run out of fuel or break down with my orange Harley Hot Rod. Since you students didn’t know how well you would do in the fighting, I wanted to have my feelings of the unknown also. My ride ended with no parts falling off and not running out of gas.

Thank you, as you see, you caused me to seek the unknown. But, we prepared and you prepared and performed. What a tournament! As I looked over our students there I saw you were the best of the best. I was so proud of everyone as I saw all RE_BOOT between rounds and I saw Bushido spirit in all of those who fought.

Stacy Wright was in control of her ring winning on all cards, when her old injury resurfaced. She will be back as Stacy is a Bushido Warrior. I don’t know why or how Jayme Cloninger was talked into going 10 rounds. She was the class of her class and gave the boys a lesson on techniques and Bushido. I saw her RE_BOOT and dominate her ring. Brandon Vique showed great skill on how to avoid getting hit with great skill in reading his opponent and knowing when to attack. Jason Vique was too much for his little Dragon group and controlled all 5 rounds. William Woodard and Dusty Woodard are truly remarkable as they used all the techniques and skills learned in class to control their opponents, as they fought different fighters. They learned a lesson – that it pays to prepare as they controlled their fighters and their ring. He never took a step backwards and controlled his fighter for 5 rounds. He did a great job. Robbie Wright was in control of his fight when a late shot caused a nose bleed and he would retire after winning 5 rounds. He dominated the Black Belt from the other school. Derek Brock was on his game and stopped his opponent with his blistering speed. He would RE_BOOT and change up to stop their flow of kicks. He was in the Zone. Robby Poston prove to himself, he could win and that winning is a state of mind and when the mind is right so is the spirit. This warrior would dominate all 5 rounds and get a great feeling for doing the unknown. Chris Mayhew was able to control his opponent with all the skill of a Black Belt – he was on his game and did a great job. Nicholes Omes held his own and would score numerous times to have a great time his first time out. It takes courage to do this and he showed a true Bushido Warrior spirit. Kathy Renfro would draw the only 10 foot tall woman in the martial arts today and would score to the body at will. She would use all her skills to score and control the taller fighter but, when the dust cleared she would be the most aggressive and effective fighter and the winner. Asber Sctphin made dust of his opponent and was never really scored on as he followed the program to the letter. This being his first tournament and he came all the way from Virginia to be with us, as he has moved back home and will train locally. Joel Smith would have no trouble with his opponents and scored at will. Derek has been spending some time with him and it shows as he would win every round he fought. John Smith showed he was paying attention in class and used all the basic techniques that would allow him to control his opponents, great job for the white belt. Patrick Gardner showed the most improvement in the fighting as he would RE_BOOT after every round and he would make himself look great as he would win all 5 rounds. Patrick has continue to improve in karate and looks forward to becoming a top Black Belt.

There is never a loser in competition, only one who wins first place and then the others win second, third, fourth and so on. Everyone who tries is a winner. The only one who loses is the one who does not even attempt to try. If we feel terrible about losing, because we fear what others will think of us, this is pride. If we believe we let someone down and didn’t live up to THEIR expectations – always be proud of your Bushido Spirit to compete to win. It’s lonely at the top, so climb to the top of anything you do in life and always try to be the best with your determinations and Warrior Spirit.

We have a Black Belt school and you must think like a Black belt to become one and we are proud of each warrior who took the challenge and won. This was for you and you will learn each time you challenge yourself. So set goals and challenge your spirit. We will help you make those dreams and goals real, as a goal is a Dream with dead lines. Thanks again, as we are also inspired to dream and set goals because together we are a family of Bushido Warrior winners.

Kyoshi McCall

David and his new Road Glide

Orange Harley Hot Rod was Kyoshi

Renshi Godfrey with Kyoshi’s Dragon Design Tee shirt